The first step to shifting your attitude is to build on your self-esteem - your confidence. Your self-esteem or your confidence is your self-image. People who are successful in their lives at anything they do, have confidence in their skills.
Confidence has a number of names which come with it - self-esteem, self-image, belief in yourself, as well as a number of other terms. They all mean the same thing, but for simplicities sake, I will use the word confidence. It all relates to the way you perceive yourself in a situation or circumstance, or in life in general.
When you look at Bill Gates, don't you see a man who is confident in himself, his product and his company? Could you imagine Bill Gates not having the confidence in Microsoft or in his Windows product range - do you think it would be the most popular software tool set in the world today? Do you think Bill Gates would be the wealthiest man in the United States if he didn't have confidence in himself and his products? It's not that he doesn't have competition or people who don't like his product. There are thousands of people out there who would rather use Apple or Linux or some alternative software suite, but do you think Bill Gates feels down because of that?
Now look at someone who has a low sense of self-esteem. How do they carry themselves? How do they act? What level of success have they achieved? I can assure you, no matter who it is, they won't have gotten very far in their own life.
Confidence is an essential key to shifting your attitude. Confidence isn't about being conceited or cocky: it really is about seeing yourself the way you want to be seen, both by yourself and the world around you. Your level of confidence is projected around you in your life - look at your career,windows 7 ultimate activation key, your health, your friends circle,Windows 7 Ultimate, your financial situation - each and every facet of your life.
Right now, I want you to rate your current confidence levels. This is where you must be totally straight with yourselves - be honest, otherwise you won't get the benefit of it.
I suggest you work with the following areas of your life:
We're going to observe our current thoughts and feelings about these particular areas of your life and rate them on a scale of one to ten.
Use the following questions to guide you if you need them:
What have you accomplished in this particular area?
What would you like to accomplish, and do you know how to accomplish it?
Are you in the process of doing it, and how long will it take you to do so?
What are the greatest difficulties you face, and how well have you got these handled?
What would you need to be successful in this area?
What would it be like for you if this area didn't pan out, and how well have you got that handled?
What's working for you in this area, and what's not working for you in this area?
Now once you have sat for about a minute with each area and observed your confidence level rate them as such:
Today's Date_________________________:
Area of life Confidence Level
Excellence 5
Finance 4
Wellbeing 6
Relationships 9
Spirituality 7
Notice that this is where you are at the moment. Now go back to each area and write down answers to the following questions:
What makes this area of my life x?
What would it look like if it was a 10?
What do I need to do to make it a 10?
So, in doing this exercise, a number of concerns, fears, issues and thoughts may have bubbled up in your mind. I want you to notice that if your life is not at a 10 right now,Windows 7 Professional Key, why isn't it? Understand, that this has to be scaled from one to ten for your life, and by your standards, not by mine or by your Dad's or your best friend's. This is about your success - not success in the minds of everyone else!